Intraocular Lens

Like your eye’s natural lens, an IOL helps you see by focusing the light that comes through the cornea and pupil, focusing the light onto the retina. The retina converts the light rays into signals that are sent through the optic nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as the images we see.

Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with cataracts? When it comes to vision surgery, you have options. The type of intraocular cataract replacement lens you choose should align to the kind of vision you want after cataract surgery.

Traditional and premium intraocular lenses

There are several types of artificial lenses that are available to cataract patients today. These include:

  • Premium or Accommodating Lenses – those that flex like the eye’s natural lens
  • Multifocal Lenses – designed to see near, intermediate and far through their lens’ optics
  • Toric Lenses – designed to treat astigmatism

When your cataract is removed, you will have the opportunity to correct the need for prescription glasses. Depending on the type of implant chosen, some patients may not require glasses ever, even to read!

Start your journey toward a future without cataracts. Discuss your intraocular lens options with your ECVA doctor to ensure you receive the lens most suited to your needs. How glasses-free would you like to be?

Premium lens implant

Has your ECVA doctor told you that you are in the early stages of developing cataracts or suggested that refractive lens exchange would be a good vision correction option? If so, you might want to consider premium lens options. Premium lens implants have been helping people over 40 and cataract aged patients have the active lifestyle they has when they were younger. The surgeons of ECVA have been trained in the latest intraocular surgery techniques involving lens implantation with multifocal, accommodating, and toric lens implants.

Traditional lens implant

Prior to the new premium lens implant technologies enabling people to see at all distances the only option for lens implants after cataract surgery were known as MONOFOCAL. This meant that the lens implant is only capable of one distance (far, middle, or near). For years patients would have monofocal lens implants but the require eyeglasses after cataract surgery. In many cases patients would option for a good distance lens and just use glasses for reading or when needed in close proximity.


What are my choices for Premium IOLs?

ECVA offers several options for IOLs. Your surgeon will discuss options and with the assistance of ECVA’s highly trained IOL counselors help you understand the choices you have to achieve the best vision possible.

Learn more about the cataract replacement lens that may be right for you

Clareon® PanOptix®
The first and only trifocal lens available in the United States. Enjoy a full range of vision and exceptional clarity without glasses.

Clareon® Vivity®
Allows you to see clearly at far and intermediate distances. You may require glasses for reading small print.

Clareon® Toric
Provides clear distance vision while correcting astigmatism. You may need glasses for clear near and intermediate vision.

Clareon® Monofocal
Provides exceptional clarity for distance vision. You may need glasses for near and intermediate vision. If you have astigmatism, you will likely need glasses at all distances.


In the past with LASIK eye surgery our doctors could correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Now with the advent of premium multifocal IOL lens implants the giant burden of presbyopia can now be corrected. Presbyopia affects a vast part of our aging population and often requires bifocal glasses. People in their mid-forties that have trouble with reading and typically experiencing the first effects of presbyopia.


Astigmatism causes a distortion or can blur when viewing both near and far objects. A Toric lens can be used to round and smooth the cornea to improve vision.