Why Does Bright Light Bother My Eyes?

Why Does Bright Light Bother My Eyes?

Many people’s eyes are bothered by bright light. A degree of photosensitivity, as a result, isn’t uncommon overall. However, the causes of photosensitivity can vary. While some are relatively benign, others may require care from an eye care provider to resolve. ...
When Is a Cornea Transplant Needed?

When Is a Cornea Transplant Needed?

Cornea damage can impact patients in a variety of ways. It may lead to vision changes, preventing you from seeing clearly. Often, damage to the cornea alters how your eyes focus and filter light, leading to issues like blurriness or glare.  Additionally, cornea...
Why Am I Seeing Halos?

Why Am I Seeing Halos?

While light is critical for vision, it can also lead to some difficulties. One prime example is halos, rings of light around light sources. At times, halos are simply distracting. In others, they’re a major hindrance. Plus, they can be a sign of certain eye-related...
Things Your Ophthalmologist Wishes You Knew

Things Your Ophthalmologist Wishes You Knew

Maintaining proper eye health throughout the course of your life is essential. By doing so, you can potentially preserve your vision and get the correct lenses at the right time, potentially allowing you to avoid issues like eye strain and headaches.   While...
Are Dry Eyes Serious?

Are Dry Eyes Serious?

Dry eye is a relatively common condition where tear production doesn’t sufficiently keep the eye lubricated. The cause can vary, though it usually falls into one of two categories. First, the eye may not produce enough tears. Second, the tear composition may not...
Questions to Ask When Considering Lasik

Questions to Ask When Considering Lasik

For many people who’ve spent time wearing contact lenses or glasses, Lasik may seem like an attractive alternative. Depending on various factors, Lasik could restore your vision or, at a minimum, reduce the need for corrective lenses.   However, not everyone...