Fall Eye Care Tips

Fall Eye Care Tips

For many people, fall is their favorite time of year. The heat of the summer starts to fade, and the leaves start changing, introducing warm, vibrant colors to the world.   While many people would assume that special eye care precautions aren’t necessary...
Why Are My Eyes So Watery?

Why Are My Eyes So Watery?

At times, water eyes are simply an occasional annoyance. However, since excessive tearing (epiphora) can have various causes, watery eyes may also be a symptom of a medical condition.   By understanding the various causes of watery eyes, you can find relief...
What Causes Eye Color to Change?

What Causes Eye Color to Change?

Changes in eye color can be as captivating as they are concerning. By understanding what can cause eye colors to change, you can determine if what you’re experiencing is typical or if you should see a visionary eye doctor.   Here is a look at common causes of...
Common Eye Problems in Summer

Common Eye Problems in Summer

During the summer months, most people focus on enjoying the warmer weather, planning vacations, and other fun events, not the eye problems they may encounter during the season. In reality, summer can have an impact on your eyes, and certain issues can be...
Common Eye Problems in Summer

Common Eye Problems in Summer

During the summer months, most people focus on enjoying the warmer weather, planning vacations, and other fun events, not the eye problems they may encounter during the season. In reality, summer can have an impact on your eyes, and certain issues can be...