Does Health Insurance Cover Cataract Surgery?

Does Health Insurance Cover Cataract Surgery?

Whether you recently learned that you have cataracts and want to prepare or are getting ready for cataract surgery, understanding your out-of-pocket costs is essential. The most common question for those with insurance is whether their policy covers cataract surgery....
Do Cataract Eye Drops Work?

Do Cataract Eye Drops Work?

The idea of a simple home treatment is incredibly appealing to patients with cataracts. As a result, many people look for information about cataract eye drops, hoping that there’s a product available that can clear cataracts away. While new treatments are always in...
Should I Choose a Premium Cataract Lens?

Should I Choose a Premium Cataract Lens?

Cataracts cause the eye’s lens to become cloudy, reducing visual acuity. During cataract surgery, the use of an intraocular lens (IOL) to replace the clouded lens restores clarity, leading to better vision.  Most eye care providers offer several options for IOLs....