Why Are My Eyes So Watery?

At times, water eyes are simply an occasional annoyance. However, since excessive tearing (epiphora) can have various causes, watery eyes may also be a symptom of a medical condition.  

By understanding the various causes of watery eyes, you can find relief and determine if you need to see an eye doctor. Here is a look at why your eyes might be particularly watery.  

You Just Woke Up  

When you wake up in the morning, opening your eyes exposes your pupils to a sudden bout of bright light. That simple act can lead to tearing, with the watery eyes usually subsiding in a few minutes.  

Dry Eyes  

Dry eyes can lead to bouts of excessive tearing. Whether you have chronic dry eye or your eyes dry out due to an activity – like being overly focused on a computer screen – or environmental change – such as going outside on a cold, windy day – more tears are your body’s solution. When your body tries to relubricate your eyes, it can produce more tears than are usually necessary, leading to a short period of wateriness.  

Contact Lenses  

Contact lenses can disrupt eye lubrication and act as a mild eye irritant, both of which can lead to tearing. If the tearing is occasional, it may be no more than an annoyance. If it’s disruptive, you may want to see your eye doctor to determine if your contacts are the wrong material for you, improperly fit, or if you’re simply wearing them too long each day.  

Blocked Punctum  

In some cases, the issue isn’t the amount of tears you produce but your eye’s inability to drain the tears properly. If you have a blocked punctum, the tears can’t leave the eye properly, causing your eyes to be watery.  

Often, blockages caused by minor infections or colds clear on their own in time. However, if the situation isn’t resolving, your eye doctor can examine the issue and remove the blockage.  


Along with blocking the punctum, an infection can lead to watery eyes. Usually, you’ll have other symptoms as well, such as redness, discomfort, or fever.  

Treating the underlying infection is usually the best way to relieve any symptoms. You’ll want to see your eye doctor to determine which course of treatment is best for your condition.  


Small pieces of debris can typically lead to eye tearing. This goes for debris that’s small enough not to be outwardly noticeable, as well as bigger pieces. For example, even a tiny bit of eyeliner or eyeshadow may cause tearing, even if you don’t feel any in your eye.  


When you’re exposed to an allergen, your body release histamine, which can cause an allergic reaction, that allergic reaction may include excessive tearing, causing your eyes to become watery.  

Usually, allergy-related tearing is a straightforward situation. With the right allergy treatment, the issue usually resolves.  

Cornea Issues  

A scratch, sore, or ulcer on your cornea can lead to inflammation, as well as excessive tearing. Usually, the condition is painful and results in light sensitivity. If you experience any of those symptoms, it’s best to see your eye doctor.  

Other Causes  

While the issues above are some of the most common ones, other conditions can lead to watery eyes. Chemical exposure, harmful fumes, eye injuries, facial surgery, nerve conditions, and certain medications are just some of the possibilities.  

At ECVA, we take the safety and health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you are concerned about watery eyes or excessive tearing, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

What Causes Eye Color to Change?

Changes in eye color can be as captivating as they are concerning. By understanding what can cause eye colors to change, you can determine if what you’re experiencing is typical or if you should see a visionary eye doctor near you in WNY.  

Here is a look at common causes of eye color changes.  

Natural Age-Related Eye Color Changes  

One of the most common situations that leads to changes in eye color occurs in children. When a baby is born, their eyes are usually lighter or bluer. Mainly, this is because a newborn hasn’t had sun exposure, so the melanin in their eyes isn’t fully developed. As they are exposed to light, melanin production increases, causing the color of their eyes to shift.  

However, eye color changes can also occur as a person ages. Those with lighter color eyes – especially Caucasians – may see their eyes lighten over time. The pigment slow degrades over time, resulting in less color.  

Other Situations Leading to Eye Color Changes  

Sun Exposure  

Since melanin plays a role in eye color, exposure to the sun can lead to eye color changes. Usually, it requires prolonged exposure and results in the irises darkening.  

Medical Treatments  

Some medications may alter eye color. One prime example was a name-brand eyelash growth serum that was available by prescription. While the side effect was rare and usually required the drops to be applied to the eye – not the lash line, as it was meant to be used – a chemical in the serum could have the ability to impact eye pigments.  

It’s also possible for other medications and surgeries to result in eye color changes. If that’s a potential side effect of a treatment, your eye care specialist will discuss it in advance.  

Nearby Colors  

In some cases, it may look like your eye color has changed when, in reality, your eyes are the same color. Changes to the size of your pupils can cause your eye color to appear slightly different. Partially, this is because your limbal ring (the darker ring on the outside of the iris) is closer to the pupil’s edge. This can make your eye color appear darker because less of the iris is visible.  

Additionally, other colors near your eyes may impact how your eye color is perceived. For example, your clothing, makeup, hair, and glasses frame color may all influence the apparent hue of your irises. However, most of that is an illusion.  

When a different color is near your eye, slight reflections of those shades might make your eye color seem different, even though it isn’t. In a similar vein, changing the colors that are near your eyes may create more or less contrast than is usually there, making the hue seem stronger or weaker due to an adjustment in the comparison.  

Similarly, crying, allergies, or other activities that cause the sclera – the white part of the eye – to redden may make the irises seem slightly different. Again, this is because the area near the iris changed hues, not because the iris itself is a new color.  

Medical Conditions  

There are medical conditions that can lead to shifts in eye color. Heterochromia – a condition that causes a person to have two different colored irises or more than one color in a single iris – may result in color changes. Horner’s syndrome may cause the eyes to lighten. Pigmentary glaucoma and Fuch’s heterochromic uveitis – an inflammatory condition – may also result in changes to the iris. The same goes for eye melanoma, a type of cancer.  

Consult Experienced Ophthalmologists in Buffalo, NY

The eye care specialists in Buffalo, NY at ECVA take the safety and health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you have concerns about your eye health or simply haven’t had an eye exam in a while, we can help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.