Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures in the world. In the U.S., 3.7 million people yearly have this life-changing surgical procedure. Cataract surgeons in Buffalo, NY, perform hundreds of these procedures routinely each year.

The process of cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens from the ear and replacing it with a clear artificial lens. While the procedure is as safe as it is frequently performed, there is a process for healing that you should follow to recover quickly. In this article, we’ll explore some essential tips to help you recover quickly, safely, and efficiently.

Speeding Up Your Cataract Surgery Recovery: Essential Tips for a Smooth Healing Process

Like all surgeries, cataract surgery can have a challenging recovery for some patients. Follow these steps to speed your healing and get on with your life.

Follow Post-Op Instructions from Your Cataract Surgeon

One of the most important things you can do to speed up your cataract surgery recovery is to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Your doctor will give you specific guidelines for caring for your eyes and managing post-operative symptoms, such as pain or swelling, as they arise. If you follow the instructions of your Buffalo, NY eye doctor, you stand a better chance of joining most cataract surgery patients who recover quickly and without complications.

Protect Your Eyes After Cataract Surgery

After cataract surgery, your eyes may be more light sensitive and prone to irritation or injury. It’s essential to follow what your cataract surgeons in Buffalo, NY, tell you to protect yourself. For example, wear sunglasses with good UV protection and a sun hat with a brim when outside. Do not rub your eyes. Your cataract surgeon may provide you with night shields, and protective wear to help protect your eyes from being bumped or rubbed during sleep. Again, follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter and avoid doing anything that could irritate or cause an eye infection.

Rest and Relaxation

During the first few days after cataract surgery, it’s essential to rest and relax. Your Buffalo, NY cataract surgeon will likely talk with you about the importance of getting enough rest as you heal. Avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting. You should also avoid bending over, as this can increase the pressure in your eyes, potentially causing bleeding or complications. If you follow these rules, you will help your body focus on healing and recovery.

Maintain Good Eye Hygiene after Cataract Surgery

Maintaining good eye hygiene after cataract surgery is essential to promote healing and prevent infection. This includes:

  • Washing your hands frequently with soap and water before touching your eyes to put in the eye drops your doctor prescribed.
  • Unless you’re putting in eye drops, you should avoid touching your eyes as you heal. Touching your eyes can introduce infection-causing bacteria.
  • Using prescribed eye drops and ointments as directed to reduce inflammation and prevent infection.
  • Keep the area around your eyes clean. You can gently use a clean, damp cloth to remove any discharge or debris.
  • Avoid getting water in the eyes. For the first week, avoid swimming and even potentially taking showers. If you do shower, keep your eyes closed and avoid introducing non-sterile water into the eyes.
  • Wear eye protection, such as glasses or sunglasses, to protect your eyes from dust, wind, and other debris.

Eat a Nutritious Diet

Eating a healthy diet is essential for overall health. It can also help promote healing after cataract surgery. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats, as these can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to heal and recover. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks, as these can increase inflammation and potentially slow your recovery.

You should also stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is always crucial for your overall health and can help speed up your cataract surgery recovery. Staying hydrated can help reduce inflammation and promote healing, so drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially the first week or two after surgery. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these dehydrate the body and potentially slow your recovery.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

You should avoid smoking after cataract surgery because it can cause significant complications and delay healing. Smoking can damage the blood vessels in your eyes, and impair blood flow and oxygen delivery to the healing tissues. Smoking can lead to a higher risk of infection, delayed healing, and other complications.

Smoking also increases inflammation in the body, making your eyes more sensitive and prone to irritation after cataract surgery. Smoking can make it more difficult to manage post-operative symptoms, such as pain, redness, or swelling.

Like smoking, alcohol is a problem after seeing your Buffalo, NY cataract surgeon for this procedure. Alcohol can have several adverse effects on your body and interfere with the healing process. Alcohol can cause dehydration and increase your risk of post-surgical infections. It can even interact with some medications you may take after cataract surgery, reducing their effectiveness and slowing down recovery.

Contact Your Eye Doctor for Concerns

One of the most important things you can do to speed up your cataract surgery recovery is to follow your Buffalo, NY cataract surgeon’s instructions carefully. Your doctor will give you specific guidelines for caring for your eyes and managing any post-operative symptoms. You will also have several follow-up appointments after your cataract surgery to check on your progress and healing. It’s important to attend these appointments as scheduled. Your follow-up visits ensure your recovery is on track and that any potential issues are caught early before they cause problems. These appointments are for you, so use them to share concerns or questions about your cataract surgery and how you’re feeling.

It’s essential to follow all your doctor’s instructions to avoid complications and ensure a smooth healing process.

If You Need Cataract Surgery in Buffalo, NY Contact the Experts at ECVA

Cataract surgery is a common procedure that can have a significantly positive impact on vision that has grown cloudy and blurred. Eye Care & Vision Associates (ECVA) are the leading cataract surgeons in Buffalo, NY. To talk with our team about the powerful benefits of cataract surgery to restore your vision, request an appointment today.