Glaucoma is an eye condition involving damage to the optic nerve, at times also including increased intraocular pressure. Over time, glaucoma typically leads to permanent vision loss as the optic nerve deteriorates. 

Anyone is technically at risk of developing glaucoma, so understanding what the first signs of the condition are critical. That allows you to take swift action if symptoms develop, making it easier to preserve your vision through proper treatment. 

The First Signs of Glaucoma 

There are a few early warning signs that glaucoma is developing. Some patients may only have a single symptom, while others may experience several. Regardless of the number of symptoms, it’s critical to understand that they’re potentially indicative of a serious condition. 

Here’s a look at some of the first signs of glaucoma. 

Blurry or Hazy Vision 

Intraocular pressure and optic nerve damage both impact visual acuity. As a result, one of the first signs may people with early-stage glaucoma notice is blurriness or hazy vision. In some cases, patients may also experience other visual distortions. Regardless of its nature, any vision changes are worrisome, as they’re often indicative of an eye condition. 

Eye Redness 

Increased pressure in the eye can lead to redness. Its severity can vary, as well as its persistence. However, eye redness without a clear cause is a potential sign of glaucoma. 

Halos Around Lights 

Halos around lights are potentially a symptom of several eye conditions, including glaucoma. In some cases, the halos experienced by those developing glaucoma are described as both colorful and bright. However, any halos that aren’t attributed to a known condition are potentially concerning. 

Eye Pain 

Glaucoma can cause eye pain, even in the early stages. Additionally, headaches can also occur in the eye area. Often, the pain is severe, often so much so that it differentiates itself from other types of headaches. 

Nausea or Vomiting 

Typically, nausea or vomiting alone aren’t symptoms of glaucoma. However, if they’re accompanied by vision changes and eye pain, they’re potentially symptoms of the condition. 

What to Do If You Have Signs of Glaucoma 

If you’re experiencing any of the early signs of glaucoma above, it’s best to schedule an appointment with your eye care provider right away. They can formally evaluate you for the condition, and if glaucoma is responsible for your symptoms, they’ll develop a plan to reduce damage and alleviate symptoms. 

Even if glaucoma isn’t responsible, some of the symptoms above are associated with other serious eye conditions. As a result, it’s always best to get evaluated right away if you’re experiencing vision changes, eye pain, unexplained redness, or halos, including if it is or isn’t associated with nausea or vomiting. 

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patients’ eyes are our priority. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above that could indicate glaucoma or simply haven’t seen your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.