Maintaining proper eye health throughout the course of your life is essential. By doing so, you can potentially preserve your vision and get the correct lenses at the right time, potentially allowing you to avoid issues like eye strain and headaches.  

While most people know that eye care is essential, many do go beyond that. With that in mind, here are a few things that your ophthalmologist wishes you knew.  

Having Regular Appointments Is Always Important  

When it comes to medical needs, many people overlook their eye health. They might assume that vision changes are only common in the young, causing them to stop checking if theirs is changing. Others may figure that they won’t develop certain conditions until they’re well into retirement, when the reality can be quite different.  

Unless they notice a significant change in their vision, some adults may simply assume that they’re fine, causing them to bypass routine appointments. However, forgoing eye care is dangerous. Regular appointments can identify certain health conditions – like cancer, diabetes, macular degeneration, and glaucoma – before they cause irreversible damage. As a result, you can preserve your vision longer.  

Regular appointments allow you to update your glasses or contacts prescription as needed. In some cases, subtle vision changes over time aren’t noticeable to the patient, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t negatively impacting their quality of life or leading to side effects like eye strain. You can ensure your vision is always at its best by routinely seeing your ophthalmologist.  

That Protective Eyewear Is Worth It  

Protective eyewear is often undervalued. Whether it’s sunglasses to block UV light, sports goggles that can limit your odds of an injury, or safety glasses for DIY projects or work, that protection matters.  

Physical eye injuries can be incredibly serious. They can lead to temporary or permanent vision damage. In some cases, a strike to the eye or the surrounding area or chemical exposure can even lead to blindness. UV light can increase your risk of developing certain eye conditions, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and skin cancer along the eyelids.  

Ultimately, protective eyewear literally helps shield your eyes from harm. As a result, it’s wise to use it whenever possible, even if it isn’t technically required.  

How Harmful Screen Time Is for Everyone  

Screen time isn’t great for your eyes, even in short durations, though prolonged exposure usually poses a greater risk. Spending hours a day working at a computer, using a smartphone, or watching television can lead to issues like eye strain. Plus, blue light from screens can disrupt sleep patterns.  

People also typically blink less when they’re using an electronic device. This can cause issues with eye dryness or may make dry eye harder to manage for those with the condition.   

Ophthalmologists in Buffalo, NY

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patient’s eyes are our priority. If you are experiencing vision changes or simply haven’t seen your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. As one of the top eye care practices in Western New York, we have offices in Buffalo, Williamsville, Orchard Park, and Niagara Falls. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.