Macular degeneration is an eye condition that leads to visual distortions and potentially permanent central vision loss. Often, it’s a devastating diagnosis initially, but there are treatments available that can help preserve vision and slow further degeneration.

The exact treatment options available depend on the kind of AMD present. Here’s a brief overview of macular degeneration, including a look at the two primary types and some treatment options.

What Is Macular Degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration – which some simply refer to as macular degeneration – is an eye condition impacting the retina that leads to central vision loss. The loss of visual acuity in AMD patients classically worsens over time, and it can be severe. Overall, AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in individuals aged 50 and older. There are two primary forms of AMD: wet and dry.

Dry macular degeneration occurs when drusen collects in the macula, leading to visual distortions and damage to the macula. Wet AMD involves abnormal blood vessel activity under the macular, causing visual distortions and scarring that can lead to central vision loss.

Treatment Options for Wet AMD

There are several treatment options for wet AMD. Anti-VEGF medications can reduce abnormal vessels in the retina, as well as slow leakage. These treatments are delivered via an injection and administered by a suitably credentialed eye care provider. Generally, the medication is administered on a regular schedule, typically every one to three months. For many people, this approach may dramatically slow or halt vision loss, and some patients may even experience vision improvements.

For some patients with wet AMD, laser surgery is potentially beneficial, particularly if the medication-based approach isn’t yielding positive results. The laser procedures allow an eye care provider to reduce the number of vessels present or stem any leaking, which can slow the progression of AMD.

Treatment Options for Dry AMD

Currently, treatments are available for patients with dry AMD with geographic atrophy. There are prescription medications available that an eye care specialist can administer by injection.

Specific nutritional supplements are also potentially beneficial. Taking copper, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc daily may make a difference, though it’s wise to consult with your eye care provider before incorporating any supplements into your diet.

Finally, some patients with advanced dry AMD in both eyes may benefit from telescopic lens implantation. Once in place, the lenses magnify a person’s field of vision, though they offer a relatively narrow field of view.

Finding the Right Macular Degeneration Treatment Option for You

Determining which macular degeneration treatment options are best for you requires expertise. By scheduling an appointment with your eye care provider, you can find out more information about your condition and receive details about treatments that may benefit you.

Get The Best Macular Degeneration Treatment in Buffalo, NY

Take the proactive step towards preserving your vision – schedule a consultation with ECVA today at one of our 4 WNY locations. Don’t let macular degeneration define your vision, act now to see a clearer tomorrow.