If you’re experiencing shifts in your visual acuity, you may wonder if there are steps you can take to fix the vision problems you’re noticing. While many vision issues require treatment from an eye care provider, there are steps you can take to ensure your eye health. In some cases, that may even resolve specific kinds of problems that are impacting your vision.  

Fortunately, many of the recommended steps are relatively simple to follow. Here’s a look at some things you can do to correct or avoid specific vision problems.  

Eat a Healthy Diet  

Specific vitamins and minerals are critical for eye health, and some may even prevent or slow the development of certain eye conditions that can rob you of your vision. Generally, eating a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to ensure you get the nutrients you need. For example, they can help make sure that you’re consuming enough lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E. Enjoying food with omega-3 fatty acids is also recommended for good eye health.  

Maintain a Healthy Weight  

Maintaining a healthy weight can positively impact your eyes in several ways. First, it may lower the likelihood that you’ll develop Type 2 diabetes, which can harm the blood vessels in your eye and lead to conditions like diabetic retinopathy. Additionally, it may lead to better circulation, lower blood pressure, and other health benefits that are also helpful if you want to preserve your vision.  

Properly Manage Health Conditions  

A variety of health conditions can harm your eyes and vision if they aren’t adequately managed. Type 2 diabetes is one example, as uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to diabetic retinopathy. High blood pressure can also damage your eyes, as well as conditions connected to chronic inflammation. By following your treatment regimen, you are more likely to address the concerning symptoms, reducing the odds of eye damage.  

Wear Protective Eyewear  

Protective eyewear, like safety goggles, reduces your odds of experiencing eye injuries that can harm your vision. Plus, goggles reduce your chances of accidental chemical exposure that could damage your eyes.  

Sunglasses can offer some light physical protection, too. However, they’re also able to block harmful UV rays if you choose lenses with UV-blocking technology. Since UV damage is connected to conditions like macular degeneration, cataracts, and others, it’s a simple way to reduce your odds of developing a vision-impacting condition.  

Regular Eye Exams  

Regular eye exams are a critical part of the equation if you want to see clearly. By keeping up with your annual appointments, your eye care provider can identify changes that may require specific treatments. Additionally, they can ensure your prescription lenses are up-to-date, leading to better visual acuity.  

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patients’ eyes are our priority. If you’re concerned about your vision or eye health, or simply haven’t seen your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.