More than 10 million cataract surgeries are performed around the world each year. About four million of these are performed in the U.S. annually. Cataract surgery is a safe, effective tool to return people to health and improve their vision.

The incidence of cataract surgeries is on the rise as the baby boomer population increases. Why? Because as you age, your eyes age, too. As a person ages, the proteins in the eye break down, so that a cloudy, milky film forms over the normally clear eye lens. These films, known as cataracts, can be surgically removed and the lens itself replaced with a prosthetic. For a person suffering from a cataract, vision is gradually lost as the lens clouds. Yet cataract surgery offers vision-saving treatment.

Eye care specialists here in Buffalo offer cataract surgery. But did you know there is one simple vision tool after the cataract surgical procedure that is just as important as the surgery itself? We’re talking about sunglasses. No cataract surgery in Buffalo will be effective without these visual aids.

Why are sunglasses after cataract surgery so important? What should you look for in a good pair of post-surgical sunglasses after visiting a Buffalo eye care specialist for cataract removal? We have everything you should know about sunglasses after your cataract surgery.

Why are Sunglasses Important After Cataract Surgery?

Having the right kind of sunglasses after cataract surgery is critically important to protect your eyes while they’re healing. After cataract surgery, your eyes will be particularly vulnerable to UV light from the sun’s rays. Anytime you’re outside, you must wear sunglasses, even on cloudy days because the sun still gives off UV radiation.

If you’ve ever seen people walking around with those big wraparound black sunglasses, it’s probably because they’ve just had cataract surgery at an eye care specialist in Buffalo. The glasses protect the eyes as they heal both from the sun or any other bright light.

Think about cataract surgery for a moment. During the procedure, the doctor will use special drops to dilate and numb your eyes. This makes them very sensitive to light. Then, the doctor will make a minute incision in the eyeball from which the clouded lens is removed and a new prosthetic lens is inserted. This tiny flap (perhaps 1/10th of an inch in size) heals on its own with no stitches. But you want to protect the eye and treat it gently as it heals. Sunglasses put a barrier between the healing eye and the external environment, keeping out harsh lights, UV rays, and even dust and dirt.

How Long Should Cataract Sunglasses Be Worn Post Surgery?

Most doctors recommend wearing sunglasses after cataract surgery for at least a week—and many doctors recommend up to a year. The truth is wearing sunglasses is always a good idea whether you’ve had cataract surgery or not. Protecting your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays keeps them healthier longer. Sunglasses that have UV coatings protect your eyes and can even keep you from experiencing cataracts to begin with. It’s true—studies show prolonged exposure to sunlight is a risk factor for cataract development. That’s why today, the prosthetic lens your cataract surgeon implants will probably have a UV protective coating. That is great protection for your eyes. But even a UV lens in your eye isn’t enough; you need sunglasses to up the ante on protection from damaging sun rays.

That’s probably why some people even keep wearing those big sunglasses after cataract surgery because they’re very comfortable—and very protective. While these sunglasses aren’t necessarily fashionable, you can replace them with a nice pair of professional shades. But how can you select the right sunglasses that go beyond being fashionable and actually protect your eyes?

What Should You Look for When Shopping for Cataract Sunglasses?

Finding the right sunglasses after cataract surgery is important. Surprisingly, it’s not the tint or the darkness of the lens that matters so much. After your cataract surgery in Buffalo, you should look for sunglasses with these important qualities.

UV Protection

Ultraviolent light is a type of radiation emitted by the sun. UV light has been shown to cause cancer, which is why you should wear sunblock when you’re on the beach. Your eyes are sensitive to UV, too, so the best cataract surgeons in Buffalo typically recommend maximum protection with UV 400 sunglasses that block almost 100% of the sun’s rays.

Coverage: Large Frames

Tiny sunglasses won’t do it. Look for sunglasses that fully cover the eye area up to the brow and below your tear ducts on the bottom of the eye. Consider the same or similar wraparound style to mimic those big, unfashionable shades that you get after cataract surgery. Those tools are designed to protect even the delicate skin around the eyes from skin cancer. Look for sunglasses that can do the same.


Sunglasses with polarized lenses cut down on glare. They are particularly great for driving and can help you with clarifying your vision and keeping your eyes more relaxed yet focused.

It’s important to note again that there should be no time limit on how long you are required to wear sunglasses after cataract surgery. Sunglasses should be a standard part of your outdoor gear post-surgery and beyond. There is, however, a time limit on how long it should take to recover from cataract surgery.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Cataract Surgery?

How long does the healing process take after having cataract surgery in Buffalo? Every person is different, of course, but generally, we see our patients fully healed by two or three months. The first few weeks of surgery require some medications and therapies to aid healing. Within a week you should be able to return to work, drive, and go back to many of your normal activities. Your vision will gradually improve so that, after eight weeks or so you should be amazed by your clear vision again. You may still need prescription eyeglasses, but you will no longer be seeing the world through a blurry haze.

Cataract Surgery in Buffalo, NY

Eye Care & Vision Associates offers cataract surgery in Buffalo. Our skilled, experienced cataract surgeons can help restore your vision. We offer our clients vision care from childhood to adulthood at all stages of their lives. If your vision isn’t as clear as you’d like, there is an alternative. Request an appointment online or call us at 1-716-631-EYES (3937).