Cataracts are a buildup of material in the eye that leads to lens clouding, altering a person’s vision. However, not all cataracts are the same. In fact, there are multiple kinds of cataracts, each with a unique cause, appearance, and impact. If you’d like to know more, here is a quick overview of the different types of cataracts. 

Nuclear Cataracts 

Nuclear cataracts – also called nuclear sclerotic cataracts – are the most common type. They occur as the central part of the lens – known as the nucleus – begins to yellow and harden. Usually, these cataracts result in close-up vision changes and trouble seeing in low light. 

Cortical Cataracts 

With cortical cataracts, cataracts form in the cortex, the outer layer of the lens. As they develop, they grow inward, causing symptoms like halos, glare, blurriness, and depth perception issues. Additionally, they can affect near and distance vision, depending on how they progress. 

Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts 

Posterior subcapsular cataracts form along the back of the lens. Halos and glare are common side effects. They can also cause a person’s vision to look smudged. 

Compared to some other kinds of cataracts, posterior subscapular cataracts tend to form quickly. IN some cases, symptoms emerge within mere months of them beginning to form. 

Congenital Cataracts 

While cataracts are usually associated with aging, congenital cataracts are present at birth. Often, the cause of these cataracts is unknown. However, certain health conditions – including genetic issues, metabolic disorders, or inflammation – as well as infections, trauma, and specific medication reactions can be responsible. 

Radiation Cataracts 

In some cases, radiation exposure can cause cataracts. Along with radiation treatments for cancer, significant UV exposure may also lead to the condition. As a result, it can be relatively common in individuals who spend a substantial amount of time outdoors, particularly if they don’t consistently use reliable UV-blocking eye protection. 

Typically, radiation damage to cells on the posterior surface of the lens causes these types of cataracts, resulting in cloudy vision. After a high dose of radiation, symptoms can appear within just a couple of years. With lower doses, it tends to develop more slowly. 

Traumatic Cataracts 

At times, eye injuries can result in cataracts. Both blunt and sharp trauma may lead to the condition regardless of the person’s age. Additionally, they can affect a person’s vision in different ways depending on the nature of the trauma. For example, the point of impact or type of force may play a role in the cataract formation, making each presentation potentially unique. 

Choose a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist for Cataract Treatment

Ultimately, the world of cataracts is far more complex and varied than most people expect. That’s why seeing your eye doctor regularly is so vital. It allows your doctor to examine your eye for signs of the condition and intervene early if they find evidence of cataracts. 

Depending on the severity of the condition, cataract surgery might be necessary. While that might sound intimidating, cataract surgery is a common procedure. Additionally, ECVA has Board-Certified Ophthalmologists that are specifically trained and highly skilled in cataract surgery, offering a top-tier experience to patients when cataract surgical intervention is necessary. 

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patients’ eyes is our priority. If you are experiencing vision changes that could be related to cataracts or simply haven’t had an eye exam recently, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.