If you have diabetes, you are at a greater risk of developing a variety of eye conditions or diseases, including blindness. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in individuals younger than 74.

Diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts all have a higher occurrence in those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Additionally, you may struggle with conditions like dry eye. This can make your eyes feel incredibly uncomfortable and might affect your visual acuity.

If you want to make sure that your eyes remain healthy, here are some diabetic eye care tips to follow.

Keep Control of Your Blood Sugar

High blood sugar can alter your eye lens’ shape, leading to temporarily blurry vision. Additionally, elevated blood sugar can damage blood vessels in the eye, leading to issues with eye health and visual acuity.

By keeping your blood sugar as controlled as possible, you can avoid these issues. Make sure to speak with your doctor to identify an A1c goal and then work to achieve it and to keep your blood sugar in check each and every day.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

If you are diabetic, a healthy lifestyle is often essential. If you eat healthy, exercise, check your blood sugar often, and use any medications prescribed by your doctor, you have the best odds reducing your LDL cholesterol, and ensuring your heart health.

Healthy eating and exercise can help your eyes. They can ensure that you get the proper nutrients and maintain good blood flow. Additionally, it may lower your LDL cholesterol, something that, if left unchecked, may cause blood vessel damage that could harm your eyes.

If you have diabetes and have high blood pressure, you are increasing your odds of developing certain eye diseases and suffering from vision loss. By making healthy lifestyle changes that keep your blood pressure in the healthy range, you are protecting your eye health, too.

See Your Ophthalmologist Annually

Many diabetic eye diseases initially have no symptoms. By seeing your ophthalmologist every year and having a dilated eye exam, they can look for signs of damage before any changes to your vision occur. This can allow them to start treatment before symptoms appear, ensuring your vision is preserved or that the reduction is as limited as possible.

Schedule Emergency Eye Appointments If Necessary

Certain vision changes could indicate a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. If you begin to see black spots or lines in your vision that won’t disappear, see red spots or fog, experience sudden changes in visual acuity, or your eyes begin to struggle when adjusting to darkness, head to your eye doctor’s office immediately.

If you are diabetic and concerned about your eye health, make a plan to visit your ophthalmologist or optometrist right away. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic. Our skilled team will conduct a thorough exam, ensuring any health concerns can be addressed. Plus, they’ll work diligently to resolve any vision issues, allowing you to see clearly. We’ll design a personalized treatment plan based on your needs, ensuring your eyes can remain as healthy as possible.