When you’re working out, your glasses can quickly become a hassle. As you move around, your glasses might not want to stay in place. Along with slipping down your nose, they could even fall off entirely. Plus, they might get foggy or smeared with sweat.  

Not only is this inconvenient, but it’s also potentially dangerous. You won’t be able to see clearly, increasing your odds of injury. Plus, your glasses might get damaged as they fall or after they hit the equipment or ground, and that’s problematic, too.  

Luckily, there are things you can do to make it easier to exercise with glasses. Here are some tips that can help.  

Get a Strap or Band  

A strap or band can be an excellent solution for keeping your glasses in place while you work out. In many cases, a tighter strap is ideal. It can hold your glasses in place even during a rigorous workout and won’t get wrapped around or caught in equipment when used correctly.  

Loose options that hang around your neck ensure your glasses don’t go tumbling to the ground if they happen to fall off. However, they should only be used when there isn’t a chance that they’ll get tangled in any machines or equipment.  

Bring a Cleaning Cloth or Wipes  

Having a cleaning cloth or wipes available means you can easily remove smears or handle it if your lenses fog up. With cleaning cloths, you’ll usually want to keep them in a bag or opt for one that comes in a small container. That way, you can keep it in the best shape possible.  

With wipes, you might have more flexibility. Since they are protected by packaging, you can keep a few in your pockets, and gym bag.  

Make Sure Your Frames Fit  

When your frames fit properly, they are more likely to stay in place. If yours tend to slide around, consider coming in to have them professional adjusted. That way, they stay tight around your ears and sit properly on your nose.  

If your frames are genuinely too large, then replacing them might be your best bet. That way, you can choose an option that fits better, increasing the odds that they’ll stay in place when you exercise.  

Ditch Glasses All Together  

Sometimes, the best way to ensure that your glasses won’t cause problems when your work out is to ditch them entirely. By switching to contact lenses or having your vision corrected with Lasik, you won’t have to worry about dealing with glasses when you exercise while still having the ability to see clearly.  

If you want to explore glasses alternatives with an ophthalmologist, have your glasses adjusted, or get a band or strap that can keep your glasses in place, ECVA can help. Our skilled team works diligently to ensure your eye health. Plus, we can help you determine which vision correction options work best for the activities you enjoy. Contact us or schedule an appointment at your nearest ECVA clinic today to learn more about how we can make it easier for you to work out while seeing clearly.